Adult Treatment

Adult Treatment

It’s never too late to achieve the healthy, beautiful and functioning smile you’ve always wanted. More adults than ever before are opting to straighten their teeth with adult braces in Orthosmile, and Dr. Kharma is proud to offer them treatment options that are specifically designed for them.


After many years of experiencing crooked, protruding and misaligned teeth, getting braces as an adult comes with a number of appealing benefits, including:

  • Improved self-esteem. There’s no question that feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth can have a dramatic impact on your self-esteem – especially if it’s something you’ve struggled with for many years. Gain renewed confidence and will feel more positively about your overall appearance.
  • Optimal oral health. Crooked teeth and an overly crowded mouth provides innumerable crevices for bacteria to breed. As such, adults with these issues are more likely to experience tooth decay and periodontal disease. By straightening your teeth, you’re able to clean them more thoroughly, increasing and preserving your oral health.
  • A beautiful smile. One of the most visible benefits of adult braces is the megawatt smile you’ll have after treatment. After years of suffering, you’ll finally be able to smile with confidence, knowing you’re flashing straight and beautiful teeth to the world.



Do you need adult braces?

The only way to know for sure if you need braces as an adult is to come into Orthosmile dental clinic for a full evaluation. If Dr. Kharma sees any of the following issues during that appointment, he may recommend treatment:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Crowding
  • Midline misalignment
  • Excess spacing


Treatment options for adults

If one or more of the above problems are present, Dr. Kharma may recommend a personalized treatment plan to correct the issue and provide you with healthy, straight and beautiful teeth. Always committed to providing among the best adult braces Beirut Lebanon, Dr. Kharma is proud to offer the full range of orthodontic options for his mature patients, including:

Invisalign By far one of our most popular options, Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth in the most discreet way possible. It utilizes a clear, plastic appliance that is virtually invisible, giving you the flexibility to live your life without worrying about your appearance.

Lingual Braces Another discreet way to straighten your teeth as an adult, lingual braces are attached to the inside surfaces of the teeth, making them virtually invisible from the outside.


If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of beautiful, straight and healthy teeth, we invite you to schedule a private consultation with Orthosmile and Dr Joe Kharma


